Cinco Solver

Cinco is a game on the Mind Vectors game board. It uses one quadrant of the game board. Simply put the game is to put five randomly generated points into a “vector,” or line of four points, in the fewest number of moves. Points are awarded for solutions of four or fewer moves. (5 – number_of_moves = number_of_points)

To read the instructions on Cinco go here to the Mind Vectors Manual.

First generate random points by clicking the “Generate Random Points” button. or you could enter your own three-element coordinates for five points.

Then click the “SOLVE CINCO!!” button when you want the solution.

Coordinates should be in the form of three characters separated by a space, the first two are values 1 through 4, and the third has a value from {B, G, R, P} relating to the colored board– Blue, Green, Red, Purple. For example: “3 2 P”. The order of colored boards is cyclical– clockwise increments and counterclockwise decrements.


Cinco Game Board

The shaded points are at the original locations.

Solution Game Board

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